March 21, 2024 BioPharma - Clinical

Phases of Clinical Trials

Table 1: The phases, types, and nature of clinical trial studies

Clinical trial phaseType of the studyNature of study
Phase 0ExploratoryExamines too low (1/100th) concentrations (micro-dosing) of the drug for less time. Study the pharmacokinetics and determine the dose for phase I studies. Previously done in animals but now it is carried out in humans.
Phase I, Phase Ia, Phase IbNontherapeutic trialAround <50 healthy subjects are recruited. Establishes a safe dose range, and the MTD. Examines the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic effects. Usually single-center studies. Phase Ia: SAD, and MTD. Duration of one week to several months depending on the trial and includes 6-8 groups of 3-6 participants. Phase Ib: MAD and the dose is gradually narrowed down. Three groups of 8 individuals each.
Phase II, Phase IIa, Phase IIbExploratory trialRecruiting around 5-100 patients of either sex. Examines the effective dosage and the therapeutic effects on patients. It decides the therapeutic regimen and drug-drug interactions. Usually, multi-centre studies. Phase IIa: Decides the drug dosage, includes 20-30 patients, and takes up to weeks/months. Phase IIb: Studies dose response relationship, drug-drug interactions, and comparison with a placebo.
Phase IIITherapeutic confirmatory trialMore than 300 patients (up to 3000) of either sex are recruited in this study and are multi-centric trials. Premarketing phase examines the efficacy and the safety of the drug. Comparison of the test drug with the placebo/standard drug. Adverse drug reactions/adverse events are noted. Initiate the process of NDA with appropriate regulatory agencies like the FDA.
Phase IVPost-approval studyAfter approval/post-licensure and post-marketing studies/surveillance studies. Following up on the patients for an exceptionally long time for potential adverse reactions and drug-drug interactions.

* MTD: maximum tolerated dose; SAD: single ascending dose; MAD: multiple ascending doses; NDA: new drug application; FDA: food and drug administration

There are two main categories of clinical research design: observational/non-interventional studies and interventional/experimental studies. Analytical studies such as case-control and cohort studies may include a comparator group, or the research may be descriptive and not. The experimental trial can be classified as non-randomized or randomized. There are various kind of designs for clinical trials, such as adaptive, non-inferiority, randomized withdrawal method, factorial, crossover, parallel, and adaptable designs.

Table 2: Clinical trial designs, their advantages, and disadvantages

Trial design typeType of the studyNature of studyAdvantages/disadvantages
ParallelRandomizedThis is the most frequent design wherein each arm of the study group is allocated a particular treatment (placebo (an inert substance)/therapeutic drug).The placebo arm does not receive the trial drug, so may not get the benefit of it
CrossoverRandomizedThe patient in this trial gets each drug and the patients serve as a control themselvesAvoids participant bias in treatment and requires a small sample size. This design is not suitable for research on acute diseases.
FactorialNonrandomizedTwo or more interventions on the participants and the study can provide information on the interactions between the drugsThe study design is complex
Randomized withdrawal approachRandomizedThis study evaluates the time/duration of the drug therapyThe study uses a placebo to understand the efficacy of a drug in treating the disease
Matched pairsPost-approval studyRecruit patients with the same characteristicsLess variability

Clinical trials are carried out for a variety of purposes, such as diagnosis, early detection

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